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1. Product name:


2. Purpose of product:

"Liven-TS" solid wetting agent (cartridge) is designed for fighting with fire of A-class. It is used for operation in the manual fire-hose barrel of combined type with the cartridge compartment, in hose tubes.

Due to the content of foam and film forming components, "Liven-TS" wetting agent can be used for fighting with fire that has a potential danger of spillage of flammable substances and extinguishing with water would be difficult, or it would be necessary to use foam. However, wetting agent does not contain a high proportion of hazardous components as classical foam-forming agents, so it is very favorable from an environmental point of view.

Used for suppressing fire of cars, garages, warehouses etc. One of the features of the cartridge is that it produces chemical foam and can be used with any regular barrel of domestic and foreign manufacture without a foam generator.

3. Description:

а) Cartridge external view -  solid wax of cylinder shape‚ without specific odor

б) Composition - mixture of polyethylene glycol and synthetic surface-active substances.

4.  Physicochemical properties:

Cartridge sizes:                -  diameter

                                         -  height

50 + 1  mm

250 + 3 mm


Not less than 580gr.

Water surface tension reduction grade

40% at minimum


6,0 - 10,0 (0,5% solution)

Wetting ability index (0,5% solution, s, not more than)


Absolute solubility

Not less than 2500 L

Softening temperature

Over +35°С

Thawing temperature

Over +60°С

Water solubility


5.  Operational and technical abilities:

Recommended storage temperature

From -20 °С  to  +40°С

Shelf life

Guaranteed - 12 months in original package.

Storageability - not less than 10 years in original package

Corrosive behavior

Product doesn't cause a corrosion

6. Figure:


7. Health care and environmental protection:

From the aspects of health and environment cartridge is harmless and does not contain fluoric hydrocarbones.

By the grade of impact to organism its conforms to the Class 3 of hazard (GOST 12.1.007).

Extinguishing solutions of wetting agent are harmless and do not have local irritating skin-resorptive and sensitizing effects.

8.  Application:

Wetting agent solution is produced by the way of washing cartridge with water flow that runs through mixer tube. Adjustment of the consumption of extinguishing solution, defined by the type of the fire-hose barrel.

Maximum efficiency of the agent is achieved in case of maximum water pressure, because intensity of fire and concentration of the fire extinguishing mixture are the highest with a sufficient period of disintegration of the foam (fire extinguishing at car accidents, fire, oil products inflammation, cleaning the territory after the spillage of oil, petroleum, etc.).

9. Storage:

Cartridges of "Liven-TS" solid wetting agent should be stored in the sealed original carton boxes, in warehouse with waterproof fool. Each cartridge is packed into airtight polyethylene film, which has to be removed before use. Unpacked cartridge once installed into the dry tube of the fire-hose barrel is ready to immediate use. 

10. First Aid:

IN CASE OF SKIN CONTACT - rinse with clean water in order to prevent possible irritation.

IN CASE OF EYE CONTACT - rinse with clean water for at least 15 minutes, ask for medical assistance if necessary.

IN CASE IF TAKEN INTO - give to the injured to drink 2 glasses of water and do not try to cause vomiting. Ask for medical assistance if necessary.

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